How to Prevent Diabetes, Know Your Signs when Consumed Too Much Sugar

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ALMOST all the food today contains sugar. So, maybe some people will find it difficult to avoid their favorite sweet foods.
No problem actually eating sugar, as long as it does not exceed the recommended limit. Rules from some countries, recommends the limit of daily consumption of sugar no more than 50 grams or 4 tablespoons of sugar.
However, if the sugar consumed from food, such as bread, cakes and other snacks, it is difficult to calculate, especially if there is no information on nutrition labels. Then, how do we know it has consumed too much sugar in a day?
Here are the signs that you will experience if you have consumed too much sugar :
Too much sugar consumption can bring bad for sugar skin. A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics shows, a high intake of sugar can lead to the appearance of acne.
Always Hungry
High blood sugar in the body prevents glucose from entering cells. As a result, the body does not get enough energy and hunger for food will continue to be felt, according to a study published in the journal Appetite.
If you smear your food with sugar, like jam for bread, then get stuck in the fatigue in the middle of the day, according to a study in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research. So, if you feel tired all the time, maybe you consume too much sugar.
When the bacteria in your mouth digest the sugar, they produce an acid that is combined with saliva to form plaque, which eventually causes cavities. So, this is why if eating too much sweet can cause cavities.
Pile of fat on the waist
If you rely on soda to relieve thirst during the day, then the intake of sugar in the body can be excessive. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinks containing sugar make you have a fat pile around the waist.
High cholesterol
High cholesterol can be a sign you are eating too much sugar. Abundant sugar intake may raise bad cholesterol of LDL and lower HDL good cholesterol in the body, according to a study published in the journal Medicine Food

Source : Thehealthsite, okezone
